“When we are driven in our life by achieving and obtaining, we find our motivation by reaching for our extrinsic goals. We may even classify these goals as needs and channel our focus and attention on collecting them, like trophies in a case.
Once we reach our goal, it most likely isn’t long before we replace it with another one. We may even make it more challenging to enhance the risk and ultimately the reward. This may feed us for awhile, but it will never fill us up as we keep building and grinding for more.
While it can be temporarily satisfying to reach them, it’s usually not long before we start longing for more. When we build our life and career path from this perspective and fast forward our trajectory, we may find we are constantly chasing the carrot to get a bigger and better prize but it is never enough to truly satisfy our own internal drive.
When we turn inward and find what motivates us from within, we connect with our intrinsic motivation, limitless supply of passion and a hunger deeper than we can put to words. It drives our actions, behaviour and guides us on our path and purpose.
When we feed our hunger from within we give our soul what it needs to thrive. It is here we can find and feel contentment. Often, we can spend a lot of time trying to figure out what our purpose is and what we want to do.
The wisdom in our body already knows even before it becomes conscious in our minds. When we connect the two through our awareness, we have a road map for unlocking our greatest potential.
When we strive to find it inside, our actions, our behaviour and attitude towards it shapes its manifestation on the outside. We find our purpose by connecting inside to our passion. We find our reward by connecting to how we feel, not by accumulating what we have.
It changes the game when we learn to play this way. When we connect and nurture what intrinsically motivates us within, we are driven by passion and purpose. We find this inner practice sustainable because we are feeding ourselves intrinsically by what we need, not extrinsically by what we want.”
-Quote Excerpt from Expand Your Edge-